Discover Our Know-Hows

Milbyz 360

🎥 360° Photos & Videos

Milbyz 3D AR

🥽 3D Augmented Reality

Milbyz IA

🤖 Multiple Recognition

Milbyz Shops

🚀 Sell Online

Milbyz Timestamp

🖼️ Multi-Blockchain Timestamp

Milbyz Web3

🔒 Verified Wallets Ownership

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Digital Emotions Creator

👁️ Milbyz Total Views on Google Maps
0 M +

We create virtual tours for Businesses and Public Organizations

We create Blue Lines for Roads and Places

We create views from sky by Airplanes and Drones

🥽 3D & Augmented Reality

Powerful 3D modeling and display in Augmented Reality on iOS and Android 📱

Display 3D elements on Smartphones, Tablets and VR Masks

We scan anything in 3D to display in Augmented Reality

All our 3D applications are hosted by

🤖 Multiple Recognition IA

AI technology to recognize Human Faces

IA for Automatic License-Plate Recognition

Recognize any type of Objects in Images or Videos

All-in-One Online Shop 🚀

Start Selling Online in Minutes

Sell Products

Sell your physical products, add description, pictures, category, location, manage inventory, propose discounts.

Sell Services

Services your way : Define requirements, steps and exchange with customers in a simple and managed process.

Sell Downloadable Products

Sell a downloadable product as a file, eBook, music, video, tutorial, software and application

Sell Subscriptions

Set recurring subscriptions and payments on products, services, digital and more.

Sell Auctions & Lotteries

Organize Auctions and lotteries to boost your visibility. Fidelize your customers with advantages games.

Sell NFTs

Your customers know on which blockchain the nft is minted and knows your wallet to prove your legitimacy.

Click & Collect

Customers can set a collect time and date to picking up the order in your physical store.

Bookings & Accommodations

Highlight your hotel and propose additional services such as breakfast, meals and room service.

Sell Group Buy Deals

Offers products and services at significantly reduced prices on the condition that a minimum number of buyers would make the purchase.

99,99% Uptime

100% Secure


Our commitment is to develop solutions for your digital needs.

Milbyz provide support and advices for all your projects 👑

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